4 Specific Measures Against CoViD-19

We want to help and have taken several precise measures in light of CoViD-19 to support our customers, our linguists, our team inhouse, and affected communities.

4 Specific Measures Against CoViD-19
Lengoo Marketing Team
Mar 16, 2020

Berlin, March 16th, 2020 | Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auch auf Deutsch

Fighting the spread of CoViD-19 has become not only a matter of global politics but also a societal one. Situations like this call for efficient, multilingual communication of governments, institutions, the media, and companies alike. That is why Lengoo will continue to be available for our clients also during this time.

Get in touch with us just the way you did before:

The team is available around the clock via e-mail at service@lengoo.de and Monday through Friday via telephone between 09:00 AM and 06:30 PM at +49.721.7880.8533 or the extensions of your respective contact.

Beyond that, we want to help prevent a further spread of CoViD-19, ease the potential repercussions of the virus, and support affected communities.

We have taken 4 precise measures against CoViD-19:

Work From Home and Reduction of Social Interactions of our Team

From today on, we encourage the entire team at Lengoo to work remotely. Being a digital company, this comes naturally to us as the technology and the required infrastructure have already played a fundamental part in our daily work routines before.

Thus we are joining our thousands of linguists around the globe who are already working from their homes. All meetings have been moved to the virtual space and will be held via Hangouts, Slack, or Conference Calls. Additionally, we ask all our employees to stay put in their homes and to reduce the time spent outdoor to a minimum.

Deferred Payments for Clients in the Travel and Tourism Vertical

Lengoo offers all clients in the travel and tourism vertical to defer payments by 6 months. Invoices for translation services performed by us in March, April, and May will only be due in October, November or December 2020, respectively.

Shorter Payment Cycles for our Linguists

Creatives and freelancers form one of the communities that is the most vulnerable to the potential repercussions of CoViD-19. We want to do everything in our power to help our linguists through this crisis as smoothly as possible. We have therefore taken an initial measure to increase short-term liquidity. We will issue payments for all jobs completed in a given month on the first working day of the next month, instead of the 15th of the next month. That means that all funds due to our linguists for jobs performed in March will be transferred to their accounts on April 1st.

Grant Access to Important Local Updates to non-German speakers

Many non-German speakers in Germany are having a hard time accessing important news updates about the local situation of CoViD-19 in the areas they live in. This is mainly due to the fact that most outlets publish locally relevant information in live blogs in German only. We want to offer free translations to local news sites and newspapers, so as to include non-German speakers in this time of uncertainty. As the situation develops, being in the know about where to go and who to turn to becomes critical and can save lives.

If you are in touch with local news outlets in Germany or have other ideas on how Lengoo as a language-tech company can help, please reach out to alexander.gigga@lengoo.com