Reporting non-compliance

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Lengoo takes corporate social responsibility (CSR) seriously. 

Lengoo’s core values include owning responsibility for everything we do and being transparent about the way we do business.

Upholding our core values and being fully compliant with all applicable laws and regulations are the overarching principles for all activities of Lengoo, its management and its employees. This ensures our trusting and credible relationships with our customers and business partners.

In line with these principles, we have procedures and processes in place to allow and encourage anyone, whether associated with the company or not, with knowledge or suspicion of violations by Lengoo or any of its employees or partners of our values or of the laws under which Lengoo operates to report this information to Lengoo.

Reports are made to Lengoo’s CSR representative, who acts independently and without instructions when responding to such a report.

The response will include providing feedback to the reporting person while maintaining the confidentiality of all parties involved. The report will be kept confidential, and the reporting person will be protected from retaliation. 

Particular emphasis is placed on the following compliance categories:

  • Anti-corruption
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Antitrust law
  • Human rights
  • Trade controls
  • Data protection and information security
  • Occupational safety and health
  • Protection of the environment

If you notice any action or conduct on the part of Lengoo, its employees, or partners that is not, or does not appear to be, consistent with our values and with applicable laws, we encourage you to report it to us. 

You can do this as an employee, a customer, an external partner, an employee of a supplier in the entire supply chain or as a person in any other relationship with Lengoo GmbH.

We value fairness in our CRS reporting system, both in dealing with reporting persons and employees who are affected by an allegation. Therefore, please handle the system responsibly. Defamation, as well as violations of privacy and data protection rights, have no place here.

As we greatly value open communication, we encourage you to let us know your name and contact details, which also allows us to follow up on your reports as efficiently as possible. But we will, of course, treat anonymous notifications with equal urgency.

Reports abouts non-compliance can be communicated to the CSR representative via any of the following channels:

  • E-mail:
  • Telephone: +49 30 2000 77400
  • Post marked "personal/confidential" to: CSR Representative, Lengoo GmbH, Ritterstraße 6, 10969 Berlin, Germany

Only the CSR representative has access to the communication media listed above. The anonymity of the reporting person and confidentiality shall be guaranteed in all circumstances. The reporting person will also be protected from retaliation.

We understand that it can take courage to report corporate non-compliance. Please be sure that we will treat all reports seriously and confidentially. 

We greatly appreciate that you’re helping us do the right thing and detect and address harmful behavior.

Thank you for your trust and support!